the daily purge 3-31-17

The The Purging Lutheran is going to quote Pastor McClean to start this purge. You probably think it will be a Bible verse or perhaps even a deep, meaningful statement of philosophy bound to change your life. TPL won’t go into the context in which he said this but it was, “The stupidness that is…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-31-17

the daily purge 3-30-17

Another coffee maker. The Purging Lutheran couldn’t do a better job of running through ‘makers if I’d declared a jihad against them. This one lasted eleven months. Did you know there are some married couples who still use the same coffee maker they rec’d as a wedding gift? It’s true! I ask my self: How…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-30-17

the view from the pew 3-25-17

Until Communion, between my temples was a grinding fog clouding my judgment (I think) so read this view with a little bit of discretion. Maybe it was the Living Christ in the wine and bread, or just focusing on walking to the altar that cleared my head but no matter, it was nice to sit…… Continue reading the view from the pew 3-25-17

the daily purge 3-23-17

If you are a cashier at any of the restaurants where The Purging Lutheran sups, you’ll recognize my signature in this picture. Years ago I quit signing my name as it appears on my birth certificate and started signaturing my name as a series of loops or circles. Who ever checks signatures any more anyway?…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-23-17

the daily purge 3-22-17

The The Purging Lutheran is falling behind on my coffee makers. If you have been following The Purging Lutheran since its pre-historic Tumblr days you are well aware of the seemingly dozens of coffee makers that have come and gone through my kitchen. That address again… As long as you’re visiting there, try…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-22-17

the daily purge 3-21-17

Stuff from around the house that you want to throw away (purge) is pretty boring. Towels, books, wires, knick-knacks, partial candles, socks, shoes, and the rest are what to expect for the foreseeable future. Purging can be worse than being an airplane pilot. With flying, most of it is also dull and uninteresting but at least…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-21-17

the daily purge 3-20-17

Welcome spring! OK, on to business. This is a wire with a plug at each end to connect two machines, in this case, two computers. Machines can ‘hook up’ in ways similar to how humans ‘hook up’ (sometimes you just have to come out and say something uncomfortable the way The Purging Lutheran just did).…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-20-17

the view from the pew 3-19-17

Every now and then it’s good to come home, spiritually speaking, to the 10:45 AM service on Sunday. It’s the service where I learned most of my doctrinal chops. 8:30 AM is way too early for me to focus and the 11:00 AM modern beat musik service is too clangy for my sensitive synapses. Our…… Continue reading the view from the pew 3-19-17

the daily purge 3-17-17

The shirt reads just fine until you get to the phrase, “authentic quality”. All governments are messes because they are owned and operated by sinful men. The city is so cool, though. The The Purging Lutheran and My Sweet Rib have been there a couple times and the monuments and the words inscribed on them…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-17-17

the daily purge 3-16-17

This will be the second time The Purging Lutheran have quoted Violent Femmes, a raucous, folk music band from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They wrote a song named Lack of Knowledge, a song I have not listened to but have read the lyrics. Read these: read read read read read read read everything you can read and learn…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-16-17

the daily purge 3-15-17

What do you think when you read the words “Ball State University”? David Letterman and his poor grades? Dan Palombizio and his basketball antics? Howzabowt Ball Jars, the ones your ma uses to preserve tomatoes, berries and beans? Those are pretty good guesses. My opinion is Muncie is best remembered as the town where Steven…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-15-17

the daily purge 3-14-17

If you have ever been to the moon it is likely you wore a communications headset designed and manufactured by the fellas at Plantronics. OK, you haven’t travelled that far but maybe you spent time circling Earth in a shuttle, a Gemini space craft, or even hitching a ride on a weather satellite. If you…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-14-17

the daily purge 3-13-17

Some people call it ‘pop’, some call it ‘fizz’. Some call it a ‘hootenanny’, others a ‘hoedown’. ‘Pothole’ vs. ‘chuckhole’; movie vs. film; woods or forest; ‘mowing the yard’ or ‘cutting the lawn’; and rocket ship or space ship.* Is this a cork board or a bulletin board? Hint: The answer rhymes with ‘schmulletin board’.…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-13-17

the view from the pew 3-11-17

25 years ago, Pastor Sattler began his tenure as leader (behind Christ, of course) of Holy Cross Lutheran Church. I’m grateful for his service. One moment that stands out was long ago when my Marta was having a faith crisis. She was crying and needed Pastor to help her. I interrupted his class to ask…… Continue reading the view from the pew 3-11-17

the daily purge 3-10-17

Back when I was a restless youth (in my first ten years) I’d spend/waste much of my time scouring the television listings looking for something interesting to watch. I preferred cartoons, would settle for sports, would watch’comedies’ as a last resort, but emphatically stayed away from religious broadcasting. Television shows about God never had animation,…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-10-17

the daily purge 3-8-17

The The Purging Lutheran has a poor record of recalling where certain items came from. My Sweet Rib corrected me that yesterday’s picture frame did NOT come from a youngling from Holy Cross Preschool but rather from a silent auction we had bid on when we were shiny, new Christians. OK, you win this time,…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-8-17

the daily purge 3-7-17

The The Purging Lutheran used to work in Holy Cross’s pre-school years ago. I helped Miss Maureen corral four year olds so we could teach them The Lord’s Prayer, how to print the alphabet and numbers, paint like the pros (if the ‘pro’ is Jackson Pollock), stand in line, flush toilets, wash hands, zip coats,…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-7-17

the daily purge 3-6-17

Hello! Happy Monday! It’s a picture frame. The Purging Lutheran’s home has four pictures of his family on walls throughout The Gatwick Compound. It’s not pride or embarrassment that causes this but rather a reliance on memories, faulty as they may be, but that’s where the fun is, trying to connect family history without documentation.…… Continue reading the daily purge 3-6-17