the daily purge 10-31-16

Ever since The Ascension, Christians have been waiting, praying, begging for Jesus to return but before He does, it reads in the Bible according to some, that certain things have to happen before God sends Him back. One of those things has to do with the rise of the anti-christ. Every generation that has come…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-31-16

the view from the pew (10-29-16)

After a one week hiatus from Holy Cross, I was pleased to see that our soundboard man, Brad, had been found and returned safely to his duty desk as electronic page flipper. Yay! Aleksandrs, Susan and I made our ways into a pew near the back. It’s a fact, at least with Lutherans (minus those…… Continue reading the view from the pew (10-29-16)

the daily purge 10-28-16

I know some people have a lot of gripes about God and how He runs His universe. They question His goodness because a dear friend has died suddenly. They wonder why a ‘good’ God allows mountains to tumble onto villages. Why isn’t being ‘good enough’ good enough to get into Heaven? These questions are hard…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-28-16

the daily purge 10-26-16

The Purging Lutheran will never argue with Earl Tupper again. And by ‘never argue’ I mean ‘never purge another of Earl’s tuppers ever again’. The fine folk at Goodwill Industries have made at least a handful of shiney nickels from the T’ware I’ve sent them. But no more!  My Sweet Rib and I used this particular…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-26-16

the daily purge 10-25-16

[ editor’s note: Ooops! The Purging Lutheran purged this back in April of 2016. The president of TPL Industries of Walla Walla, WA. deeply regrets this error and has resigned his position to go live in a hole. Again, we apologize for this most embarrassing incident. ] Guy Fawkes Day, November 5th, lands on a…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-25-16

skats no baznīcas sols (the view from the pew) 10-23-16

(I hope the translation of this article’s title from English to Latvian came out OK. If not … oops!) About ten times a year the Latvian church I attended as a youngster offers a Lutheran service in English. I don’t speak the language well but can understand it to a point but not well enough…… Continue reading skats no baznīcas sols (the view from the pew) 10-23-16

the daily purge 10-21-16

Ay, caramba! (minced oath) The dollars bills spent on Dvds and Cds and tapes and tapes for recording Indycar and F1 races, movies, music videos and news events. Dzīpers! And how many of these has T Purging L ever gone back to watch? Hardly any, meine Freunde, hardly any. I am business’s best friend. Show…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-21-16

the daily purge 10-20-16

G-mom made this probably 25(?) years ago. This is from her ‘perty girly’ period. The Purging Lutheran doesn’t know if she still makes art but she otter because she is very talented. If she does, she might still be in her ‘perty girly’ production. She made/makes beautiful suns as well. My Sweet Rib and I…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-20-16

the daily purge 10-19-16

Before The Purging Lutheran explains what I am tossing out today, I feel it necessary to apologize for yesterday’s purge. I apologize. Honestly, who ever heard of someone who kept bugs from escaping a house just so they could find a way to abuse themselves? Only a dumb bunny would suggest that and yesterday I…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-19-16

the view from the pew 10-15-16

No kids, no kids, no kids and not their parents this weekend so attendance is back to a comfortable 35 – 40 ‘rarin’-to-go-to-Heaven’ Lutherans spaced evenly throughout the sanctuary. It’s not unlike theater seating during the third weekend of a semi-popular movie: enough people to justify the feature continuing its run but not too many…… Continue reading the view from the pew 10-15-16

the daily purge 10-14-16

Before The Purging Lutheran starts in on these gloves, I feel it necessary to talk about something uncommon, related to gloves but also underwear. Handerpants. I won’t dignify them with a picture as you can easily gloogle them and see what they look like. Suffice it to say if your palms suffer from incontinence or…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-14-16

the daily purge 10-12-16

Ka-ching! Ka-ching! Ka-ching! Ka-ching! Q: That’s the sound of The Purging Lutheran’s money being: 1. Thrown out the window of the car. 2. Swirling down the drain of the terlet. 3. Rung up in an old-fashioned register. A: #3. Old registers used to make ka-chinging sounds when I wanted to spend/waste money on VHS tapes.…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-12-16

the daily purge 10-11-16

Thus sez Wiki: The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, literally “black and white cat-foot”; Chinese: 大熊猫; pinyin: dà xióng māo, literally “big bear cat”) The Purging Lutheran isn’t sure why the World Wrestling Federation uses “big bear cat” for its logo. Aha! See, that was a joke, son. You can tell by reading the side of the…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-11-16

the daily purge 10-10-16

If you have a daughter, and The Purging Lutheran does, then she wanted beads to make bracelettes and necklaces, and My Marta did. Most girls, I figure, start down the road of hard plastic jewelry in fourth grade with their friends. I think that’s about the age where they’ll listen to ma and pa to not…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-10-16

the view from the pew 10-8-16

Kids, kids, kids! Pres-schoolers and ‘gartners filled the sanctuary with their parents to sing for service. The children sang “Child of God”, “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands” and “We Love Because God First Loved Us”. Donna played a more-than-able piano while the children sang to God. As always, Lutheran kids never sing…… Continue reading the view from the pew 10-8-16

the daily purge 10-7-16

The The Purging Lutheran doesn’t want to make it too easy for anyone to get free advertising on The Purging Lutheran. My prized 18-35 year old readership is worth protecting from advertisers. If they want to risk being persuaded to buy something they might not need then they’ll have to turn the purge upside down…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-7-16

the daily purge 10-5-16

It’s an ‘Our Marta’ purse which when backtracked through its etymological past winds its way through the late Latin word bursa which meant ‘purse’ and further back to the Greek word bursa which meant ‘hide’ and ‘leather’. It’s where you get that odd term, ‘bursar’s office’, you know, the place you send your retirement funds…… Continue reading the daily purge 10-5-16