the bruised lutheran 11-30-17

In a high school chemistry class, a chemical imbalance can cause a BOOM! or a fizzle. In a human body, it can cause a person to go all whacky-like and zoom around the universe or be the root of slothfulness. Either way it has a snowball effect on the imbalanced and their close ones. In…… Continue reading the bruised lutheran 11-30-17

the cruising lutheran 11-29-17

Up until today there has been no proof My Barbecue’d Rib and The Purging Lutheran are even on a cruise. A picture of a speaker is not definitive proof we are on Jamaica but my disappointment is. Today is the day I introduce you, Persistent Reader, to ‘the Big Lie of Montego Bay’. Most people,…… Continue reading the cruising lutheran 11-29-17

the cruising lutheran 11-28-17

These are two pillows The Cruising Lutheran rested his head upon after having ingested some bad meat yesterday. I am guessing it was the salmon at brunch. Ugh. I rose at 1 pm today and sat in the adult-only section until My Barbecue’d Rib found me at ~2:30. I drank much water followed by a…… Continue reading the cruising lutheran 11-28-17

the cruising lutheran 11-27-17

The Carnival Princess’s engines are set at ‘ramming speed for fun’. What’s the picture, Joe? It’s the canopy covering The Cruising Lutheran and My Barbecue’d Rib from that testy sun. We are laid out on the comfy couches, our home away from our home away from home. MBR reads while I stare at humans walking…… Continue reading the cruising lutheran 11-27-17

the puppied lutheran 11-24-17

Every one of them knew that as time went by They’d get a little bit older and a little bit slower* What do puppies know of The Beatles? Though these lyrics apply to me, Kaden the Superpup (KSP) doesn’t recognize them as a valid excuse to avoid taking him to the dog park. Yesterday was…… Continue reading the puppied lutheran 11-24-17

the thanksgiving lutheran

The best dinner rolls are slightly undercooked and laminated. It’s a family tradition going back to when my ancestors hit that ‘sweet spot’ between the time wheat was discovered and fire was invented. What are your family Thanksgiving traditions? Watching the Detroit Lions lose? Thoughtful, political debate? Sleeping the sleep of the sleepy? Early morning…… Continue reading the thanksgiving lutheran

the daily purge 11-22-17

Yes, these look familiar, right? But they are different than the last pair The Purging Lutheran tried to pass off as a pair of socks. The difference? Well, they are cleaner than the other pair + the loops in the rear didn’t exist on those. Now that Our Marta is gently easing her way into…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-22-17

the daily purge 11-21-17

The Purging Lutheran is nearing the end of the ‘A Tub of Marta’ Collection. My Marta could probably still fit into these clothes but she would need a P.O.D. to tote them around. They’re pretty beat up and represent the styles of the 2000s. Did it even have a theme? Yugh! But just the same…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-21-17

the daily purge 11-20-17

This is a luggage tag. My Sweet Rib used it when she would break the surly bonds of the Indiana state line to travel to Rome, Tokyo, London and areas designated with ‘here be dragons’ warning signs. Well, at least anywhere that had a Hilton hotel. My wife likes to be treated ‘light and fluffy’…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-20-17

the view from the pew 11-18-17

11-18-17, Pastor Sattler presiding Paul played piano for our songs. They were … “O Worship the King, All Glorious Above” “Great is Thy Faithfulness” – if ever you sing this hymn and out of nowhere your brain wanders making you wonder why the Old Testament book, Lamentations, always seems to get short shrift in the…… Continue reading the view from the pew 11-18-17

the daily purge 11-17-17

The Purging Lutheran is purging a key chain that came with a purse My Sweet Rib bought at Goodwill. Puxxled reader: Wait a minute, Janis Q! Isn’t Goodwill where you dump your stuff at? I’m smelling a big, fat commie trap. You send stuff there then buy it back? Attsa a real sweet deal, ol’…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-17-17

the daily purge 11-16-17

Hi! Is this a suitcase for an organ grinder’s monkey? It could be. But what would an organ grinder’s monkey put in it? Most organ grinders’ monkeys wear a cute red hat resembling a fez, a red cloth vest some with gold buttons and others without, and finally a tin cup in which to collect…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-16-17

the daily purge 11-15-17

Are those ‘g’s for ‘gucci’? The Purging Lutheran certainly hopes not! I browsed the Gucci website for a similar product to compare with this coin and card purse. I found these comfy fuzzy slippers … … for a paltry $1,980. How many octopus-themed belt buckles could I buy for that? At $20, I would buy…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-15-17

the daily purge 11-14-17

A single, last sock … for the time being. Our Marta wore this cool Bazooka Joe sock, presumeably with the other one at the same time. Maybe not. With OM you never really know what you were going to get. The Purging Lutheran was once a follower of Joe and his gang’s antics. I’m concerned…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-14-17

the daily purge 11-13-17

Socks. Almost done. Drudging through My Marta’s socks is like living the Led Zeppelin song, ‘No Quarter’ … “Walking side-by-side with death, the devil mocks their every step, ooh. The snow drives back the foot that’s slow, The dogs of doom are howling more. They carry news that must get through to build a dream for me and…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-13-17

the view from the pew 11-11-17

Our songs were played by Pastor McClean on guitar and Rhoda on piano. She played effortlessly and beautifully along with Pastor. The songs were “Every Move I Make/Lord I Lift Your Name on High”; “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”; “Jesus, Be the Center”; “Amazing Grace”; and “That’s Why We Praise Him”. My wife, Susan,…… Continue reading the view from the pew 11-11-17

the daily purge 11-10-17

Veterans Day is tomorrow, Saturday, November 11. You know someone who has served in the military in one form or another. Please acknowledge their existence. My son, Aleksandrs, served in the Air Force. Thank you for your service, Airman. We are nearing the end of My Marta’s socks. This pair is decorated with ‘love bugs’,…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-10-17

the daily purge 11-9-17

“I heart Jesus”. That’s a good thing. Do you know what else? “Jesus hearts you”. How does The Purging Lutheran know this? For the Bible tells me so: Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-9-17

the daily purge 11-8-17

Hoppy birthday! It’s a frog. It’s a sock. The Purging Lutheran suspects My Marta rec’d these socks on one of her celebrated birthdays. When was her birthday? 1990. Speaking of birthdays, let’s go back through time and find out who was born on various November 8s. 1656 – Edmond Halley, English astronomer and mathematician. Ed…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-8-17

the daily purge 11-7-17

The Purging Lutheran is just going to hold my nose and purge the rest of Our Marta’s socks right in a row and be done with them. Today’s socks have cute pictures all over them. Nature sure has it over manmade items. I think bamboo is some of the neatest plants on God’s (mostly) green…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-7-17

the view from the pew 11-4-17

Pastor Sattler led the service on Saturday. His lesson was titled “Just the Beginning”. The churches that came out of The Reformation recently celebrated the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing 95 theses, talking points he wanted to debate over with leaders of the Catholic Church, to the door of Wittenberg Church. He never got…… Continue reading the view from the pew 11-4-17

the daily purge 11-6-17

A pair of shoes? Yes. What else could they be called? A pair of socks. Socks cover your feet and these shoes cover socks so let’s cut to the chase and call them socks. In this case, high-tech socks. Socks with eyelets, foam, rubber, rubberized rubber, foamerized foam, long strings to keep the socks attached…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-6-17

the daily purge 11-3-17

Socks, socks, socks. Every day it’s socks, socks, socks. My Marta has yet more socks. These socks don’t even match each other. Where are their brothers and sisters? Did they snuck out during the drying cycle? Did they creep through the vent hose, drop out the side of the house, make it to the end…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-3-17

the daily purge 11-2-17

The Purging Lutheran, via Our Marta, offers up a pair of colorful socks. These colors, red-gold-green, match the Bolivian flag. Olé!  But wait! Do you see only nine toe pockets on this pair? It looks like it but upon careful inspection you’ll note that the big toe (the leader of the foot) on the right…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-2-17

the daily purge 11-1-17

Well now. I’m on my own again, I wonder if she ever really understood. I never thought to ask her what the letter “G” stood for, But I know for sure it wasn’t good. “Sally G” (Paul Mc Cartney) In My Marta’s tub of tossings is a foam rubber letter ‘G’. Normally, The Purging Lutheran…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-1-17