the daily purge 5-31-19

What are these guys excited about? They look stunned, maybe even a little apprehensive over what is going on. And what is going on? The Purging Lutheran can not recall any froofreraw or hullaballoo which these female adapter outlets are watching. If these adapters are going to freak out at (insert air quotes here) “whatever” how…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-31-19

the daily purge 5-30-19

Lightweight spackling?* What’s the first thing which comes to your mind when confronted with lightweight spackling? That’s right – Bill Murray. He played the character, Carl Spackler, in the movie, Caddyshack. If you spackle any type of spackling that makes you a spackler. If you’re a spackler, why not be ‘Carl Spackler’? Maybe you aren’t…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-30-19

the daily purge 5-29-19

This purge is rated P. S. for ‘Pretty Safe’. After yesterday’s medical-themed purge debacle, The Purging Lutheran is going retro, so retro, in fact, that I am going back in time before color photography. Back to those pictures in your fourth grade history book with photographs of The Great Dust Storm, the first atomic bomb…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-29-19

the daily purge 5-28-19

WARNING! Today’s purge contains a medical “ew, yuck!” condition. This is a piece of luggage what went belly up last week. The zipper came apart from the fabric and as such has become near … nay … totally impossible to use anymo. My Sweet Rib was either packing for or unpacking from our recent trip…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-28-19

the view from the pew, 5-25-19

Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Saturday 5:30, Pastor Sattler We sang these songs – “A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing”, “Let It Be Said of Us”, “Lord Be Glorified”, “In Christ Alone” and “Before You, Lord, We Bow”. We confessed our sins, all those times we said we’d honest and true to The Lord but…… Continue reading the view from the pew, 5-25-19

the daily purge 5-24-19

The Purging Lutheran already forgot what brand seed spreader this. Its color makes me think it’s a John Deere but I’m not sure Deere makes leg-propelled spreaders like this one. Why, they make big tractors and big harvesters many of which include conditioned air machines and satellite television and radio. A manual spreader? Give me…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-24-19

the daily purge (and end vacation) 5-23-19

This is the fishing net my father, Peteris, used when he would be about being a fisher of fish. He would work and after work and a quick dinner it was off to the creek to sit and smoke a cigarette and fish. It was just him and no one else so, no, The Purging…… Continue reading the daily purge (and end vacation) 5-23-19

The Passenger Lutheran, 5-17,18-19

It begins. Sustenance for the trip. Our first truck stop. Kentucky says, “Hey!”. Kentucky doesn’t mess around – basketball, bourbon and bossy dames. Horse Cave, KY. has plenty of moist, hot air. Huntsville, Alabama welcomes us. Here is a picture of the rocket ship at the first potty stop. Finally, we make it to Gardendale,…… Continue reading The Passenger Lutheran, 5-17,18-19

the daily purge 5-16-19

Roses need help to grow? Wiki sez – “A rose is a woody perennial flowering plant … ” There is more to what a rose is but it is mostly scientific mumbo jumbo, blather, blether; rigmarole, unintelligible language, hocus-pocus, informal gobbledygook, double Dutch, argle and, yes, bargle. Yeah, it’s pretty dull stuff. Question: Does a…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-16-19

the daily purge 5-15-19

$5 says you do not know what The Purging Lutheran’s next statement will be. Do lobsters drive cars? Please pay, pal.* But, do lobsters drive cars? I don’t know if they do but if they do they seem to be well-insured. These claws are marked very clearly with the State Farm logo and not just…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-15-19

the daily purge 5-14-19

Today’s yellow wire is about 2’ of a 100’ electric extension cord which My Sweet Rib used the other day while gardening. She was ripping and tearing through unsightly bushes and vegetation around the front porch. Limbs, branches, twigs and leaves were flying about as she swung her electric hedge trimmer. Until. Until she cut…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-14-19

the view from the pew 5-11-19

Saturday evening service, Pastor Sattler presiding. We sang “Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs”, “Fight the Good Fight”, “Jesus, Name Above All Names”, “I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb” and “Shout to the Lord”. Thank you, thank you, Paul. Because this was a Communion service, we recited the Nicene Creed*: I believe in one God,…… Continue reading the view from the pew 5-11-19

the daily purge 5-10-19

A’fore we get to the purge, The Purging Lutheran has this to say: ”Great Scott! What have we been putting in our garbage can? That stuff looks nasty.” Today’s purge is/was a cloth seat which when put together lets a human bean sit comfortably. And it was/is very comfy. Except when your knees start rusting they…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-10-19

the daily purge 5-9-19

My Sweet Rib and The Purging Lutheran built our home back in 2000-aught-two. All our outlets are white yet here we are with a black outlet sitting out in the garage. And it looks scared. I guess the old adage is true: Outlet come and outlet go but outlet let out horror yelp. Well, it’s…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-9-19

the daily purge 5-8-19

” Happy is our sacrament of water, in that, by washing away the sins of our early blindness, we are set free and admitted into eternal life! A treatise on this matter will not be superfluous; instructing not only such as are just becoming formed (in the faith), but them who, content with having simply…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-8-19

the daily purge 5-7-19

“Why” is the first word in ‘wire’. A philosophical question the word ‘wire’ itself asks is, ” ‘Why’ are? ” The Purging Lutheran is certain there are several feasible answers as to why wires exist. I think it is because early scientists such as B. Franklin, A.-M. Ampère and H. Hertz were unable to train electrons…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-7-19

the view from the holy cross pew, 5-4-19

Saturday 5:30 service, Pastor Sattler presiding, Brandon Grelle preaching. Songs sung were “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”, “Here I Am, Lord”, “Change My Heart, Oh God” and “This Holy Place”. Thank you, Paul. We read one of our statements of faith, The Apostles’ Creed: I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of…… Continue reading the view from the holy cross pew, 5-4-19

the daily purge 5-3-19

This wine bottle opener is saying: “No mas! No mas!” “Touchdown!” “Whee!” The first utterance is in regards to its frequent use. It’s opened many wines – white, red, dark, chablis and unchablis. The Lad worked this opener to its demise. You can see the metal piece near the bottom. It is twisted and twanked…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-3-19

the daily purge 5-2-19

Those of us in the faith do our best to be ‘friends in Christ’ except when we are not ‘friends in Christ’. Years ago someone asked our pastor about the Anti-christ. The Purging Lutheran seems to recall it had to do with conflicts in the Middle East and whether this or that Bad Guy was…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-2-19

the daily purge 5-1-19

In a an effort to protect The Purging Lutheran’s persistent readers from becoming confused with ‘dis’ and ‘mis’ information, I make sure to do due diligence to keep the doo-doo out of my daily docs. Potentially Exasperated Reader: Where is this going? TPL: Attsa a great question! With great vigor, I studied up on the…… Continue reading the daily purge 5-1-19