the daily purge 11-30-18

Welcome back to Pingpongville, Indiana where we offer offer only two types of tossaways – beer bottles and video games. If you are familiar with the movie series, Star Wars, then you probably have a good idea of what happens in this game. There’s lotsa light sword swingin’ good for lopping off limbs and fending…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-30-18

the daily purge 11-29-18

400 Pound Monkey. I stand by my theory which states modern beer brewers determine names of beers by merely drawing words from a hat. But this isn’t my concern today. Yesterday’s purge was all about if hunky actor, Daniel Craig, received royalties from the company using his image to sell its ware. What bugs me…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-29-18

the daily purge 11-28-18

Oh, boy! Another video game! Did I hear a great clamoring for more purged video games? That’s privileged information. The Purging Lutheran has a concern whether famed Brit actor, Daniel Craig, receives any royalties for his image being used to sell this game. He had a recent net worth of $95,000,000 until just lately signing…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-28-18

the daily purge 11-27-18

When is chocolate ‘wrong’, ‘right’ or ‘either’? Take this test using RIGHT, WRONG, EITHER. Is it used to encase a cherry and its accompanying cherry goo? Is it used as an incense scent? Is it used to flavor ice cream? Is it used in coffee? Is it used to make chocolate bars? Is it used…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-27-18

the daily purge 11-26-18

It all started with a company named Red Hat. In the early days of internet businesses most names explained what they were but then came Red Hat. Red Hat’s site describes itself this way – Making enterprise software using an open source development model since 1993. Thus began internet, and later brick and mortar, businesses…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-26-18

a thanksgiving wrap up 11-25-18

Deuteronomy 26:8-11 So the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great terror and with signs and wonders. He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey; and now I bring the first fruits of the soil that…… Continue reading a thanksgiving wrap up 11-25-18

the daily purge 11-21-18

“Never miss a good chance to shut up.” ― Will Rogers Alright, so lesson learned. Despite living in The Millennial Age of Enlightenment struggles between husbands and wives have continued far into The 21st Century. My Sweet Rib showed me this bowl with a chip in it. I wasn’t quite sure why she was showing…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-21-18

the daily purge 11-20-18

Yeah, you look at the word ‘atari’ and make the assumption it is a Japanese company simply because the word sounds Japanese. Well, it is a Japanese word which in the game of Go means a move that threatens the immediate capture of one or more stones. In chess, the equivalent word would be check,…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-20-18

the daily purge 11-19-18

The beer called People’s. Our Marta bought this in Muncie, Indiana, home of Ball State University and location where the krazy kozmik kidz from way-way-way-outerspace! make an appearance in the Steven Spielberg film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). You know it is Muncie because of the nearby mountain range*. The Purging Lutheran doesn’t…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-19-18

the view from the pew 11-17-18

Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Indianapolis, Saturday 5:30 service, Pastor McClean The worship songs we sang were performed with pleasure and care. Our opening song, “Every Move I Make/Lord I Lift Your Name On High” was a medley done very well. The sermon song, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” is always a welcome hymn. The…… Continue reading the view from the pew 11-17-18

the daily purge 11-16-18

Oh, The Purging Lutheran wanted & tried to be a punk back in his formative years but the best I could do was transform from an insta-nerd, which I was born as, into a more-developed nerd which, oddly enough, is the same as a less-developed nerd*. Not one to give up too easily, I struggled…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-16-18

the daily purge 11-14-18

Pumpkin spice, once the hero of the universe, is now the enemy of all mankind. Pumpkin spice hit the scene a few years back when some lucky coffee inventor stumbled across that new taste sensation. Because the words ‘pumpkin’ and ‘spice’ were used to describe it it brought to mind the holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas.…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-14-18

the daily purge 11-13-18

Dog noms can cost a few dollars bill or they can cost several thousand dollars bill. Over the years The Purging Lutheran and My Sweet Rib have boughten* both styles. We picked up Kaden Superpup, aka Dr. Chewenstein, before he was weaned of his teething by his momma. It was left to us, as well…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-13-18

the daily purge 11-12-18

Back to therapy. My Sweet Rib hit the mother lode yesterday when she brought Our Marta’s old load of college days beers from the tater cellar. The Purging Lutheran doesn’t know if there are extinction dates for bottled beers but after having sipped a bit of one going down the drain, well, let me just…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-12-18

the view from the pew 11-11-18

11 AM service at Indianapolis Latvian Lutheran Church, Macitajs Lazdins presiding. We had nearly 25 persons attend service and partake in Holy Communion. Yay! The hymns we sang today were “Come to Us, Creative Spirit” (opening), “Day by Day” (sermon), What Feast of Love” (communion), and “Lord of God, You Have Bought Us” (closing). Thank…… Continue reading the view from the pew 11-11-18

this week comes to a merciful end

Genesis 3:17b-19   “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you…… Continue reading this week comes to a merciful end

a lutheran’s rose 11-8-18

Because of Ivars’ death it is only good, right and salutary to write this: I met him 40+ years ago in Latvian Center Garezers. He was rich in The Lord even then and spent time evangelizing to me but who was I to listen? I drank, smoked and hung out with him but he never…… Continue reading a lutheran’s rose 11-8-18

the polling lutheran 11-6-18

1 Timothy 2:1-3 Simple Faith and Plain Truth The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the…… Continue reading the polling lutheran 11-6-18

the daily popsicle (now tastes even juicier!) 11-5-18

Last Friday The Purging Lutheran purged a computer game The Lad was getting rid of. I asked My sweet Rib if she had an opinion about the purge. She responded, “YeahyeahitwasgreatI’mtiredofreadingaboutvideogames”. Oh. She continued, “When are you going to get rid of something besides video games?” Well, I don’t have anything else just yet. Having…… Continue reading the daily popsicle (now tastes even juicier!) 11-5-18

the view from the pew 11-3-18

Saturday evening service, Pastor McClean presiding. The songs we sang were “Come, Now Is The Time To Worship” (opening), “I Surrender All” (sermon), “Purify My Heart” (offering) and “All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name” (closing). Pastor invoked God – ‘We begin this service in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost”. He…… Continue reading the view from the pew 11-3-18

the daily purge 11-2-18

Mr. Tough Guy is back for Gears of War 2. Mr. Tough Guy is still sporting his well-manicured soul patch (a small tuft of facial hair directly below a man’s lower lip). You know, it even looks like he shined up his fighting suit a bit but that is not unusual in these post-apocalyptic cultural…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-2-18

the daily purge 11-1-18

The Assassins are back in town! Just when The Purging Lutheran’s group of persistent readers thought it was safe to come out of hiding from The Lad’s various computer games – BOOM! – A.C. rears its ugly head or, in this case, its ugly plague doctor’s mask. A plague doctor is just to the right…… Continue reading the daily purge 11-1-18