the daily purge 4-30-18

Last week The Purging Lutheran ousted electronics cords – plastic cables with wires in them. Those wires looked like snakes. This week we have a shower hose – a metal cable with water in it. This cable looks like a water snake: mutation division Besides mere appearance what other reason is there to toss out…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-30-18

the view from the pew 4-29-18

Crosspoint Church runs an ad at a local film theater. They use it to promote their Thursday evening worship but what they present can be applied to their 11 AM service. The sanctuary is both easy to access from their common area and because service occurs in mostly dark surroundings it’s just as easy to…… Continue reading the view from the pew 4-29-18

the daily purge 4-27-18

To the untrained eye these might look like bookmarks an ordinary person would use to ‘mark’ * their places in a favorite novel or school book. But if you look closer you can see painter’s paint on them. What gives? It turns out that these aren’t bookmarks at all! These are, instead, long strips of plastic…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-27-18

the daily purge 4-26-18

An art! But what style art? A Linkletter? A Garfunkel? * A Hovhannisyan? An ‘of Noise’? Art movements are fluid and they co-mingle within and without you from Art Deco to Dada to Romanticism to Pre-Cambrian to Post Modernism to Post Grape Nuts. This art is a ‘Nina’, a friend of The Purging Lutheran’s father, Peteris, and mother,…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-26-18

the daily purge 4-25-18

Are you scared by ghosts? Do dreary, drippy white-sheathed goblins give you the spiritual heebie-geebies? Most people would shout out a collective “ACK!”. But! But what if ghosts weren’t gloomy and translucent? Suppose they were gloomy and smartly clad with colors and designs? If so, The Purging Lutheran believes horror movies might not be so…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-25-18

the daily purge 4-24-18

Publisher’s note: Living and writing from a parallel universe close to yours allows The Purging Lutheran to write about things the way they are here but not necessarily the way they are where you live. If you’ve ever been confused about what I write don’t worry about it. Natural laws and people here are nearly…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-24-18

the daily purge 4-23-18

Some people shrug their shoulders and say ‘wires?’. The Purging Lutheran responds by cracking his knuckles and saying ‘wires knot?’. Indeed, ‘wires knot?’. A knot is what happens when wires sit in the kitchen ‘stuff drawer’. They get tangled up a little bit more each time the drawer is opened then shut. There’s no stopping…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-23-18

the view from the pew 4-21-18

Saturday 5:30 service with Pastor McClean The songs we sang were “Here I Am to Worship”, “I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb” (a Sunday School favorite), “This Holy Place”, and “Feed Us Now” – this one includes the lyrics “God is near, oh so near, nearer than our thoughts” That’s pretty near. It means, for believers,…… Continue reading the view from the pew 4-21-18

the daily purge 4-20-18

Today is 4/20. To some people it’s a big deal. To marijuana users, it’s cool to have a day which supports Big Munchie – dry, crunchy snacks which go hand-in-hand with a righteous buzz. Danica Patrick became the first woman to win an Indycar race on 4/20 dispelling the silly notion that women are poor…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-20-18

the daily purge 4-19-18

When a spouse is career-bound and climbing the glass ladder in her Executive Toes ™ business shoes, often times the family suffers. The husband sits behind a cup of coffee in the morning contemplating his worth. The children miss their mother when she’s jetting about the world. All in all there isn’t much to complain…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-19-18

the daily purge 4-18-18

Welcome The Purging Lutheran and The Amazink Teknikolor Bankie. I’m pretty sure it was bought for one of our chucklins but whether for The Lad or Our Marta I have no recollection. Usually if I offer up a multicolored cloth, sock or shawl I’ll say it was cut from a Hebrew cloth as was Moses’…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-18-18

the daily purge 4-17-18

Back in our pre-pup days, The Purging Lutheran’s cats used to eat out of plastic bowls. They never ate their bowls after eating their tender noms though. Enter Kaden Superpup. Eat. Eat. Chomp. Wrestle and bite. And chew. And tear. And chew. Just as the world is a nail to a toddler’s hammer (toy), the…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-17-18

the daily purge 4-16-18

When My Sweet Rib putters around the home it’s best you stay out of her way. This computer desk was in her field of vision so she *chop!* *chop!* *chopped!* it and now it’s in the garbage can. The Purging Lutheran warns you if you are near MSR to at least appear useful. Holding a credit card,…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-16-18

the view from the pew 4-15-18

The third Sunday of Easter at the Indianapolis Latvian Lutheran Church was the monthly English language service. Pastor Lazdinš presided. Our hymns, played on the organ by Karlis, were “Beautiful Savior”, “Rock of Ages”, “What Feast of Love” and “I Love to Tell the Story”. Susan read 1 John 3:1-7 See what great love the…… Continue reading the view from the pew 4-15-18

the daily purge 4-13-18

It’s National Friday the 13th Day here on Gatewick Avenue. In honor of this bless-ed secular holiday The Purging Lutheran is running a contest. If you can guess, correctly, how many birdseed seeds are in this bucket, you win a free t-shirt with a fancy-dan TPL signature. In case of a tie, contestants will be…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-13-18

the daily purge 4-12-18

Does The Purging Lutheran have massive palms or just squatty fingers? The world may never know. Our neighborhood has an irritated Mailman Mike or a bandito who pulls shenanigans with my and my neighbors’ mailbox flags. My Sweet Rib found our flag in our box, torn from its mooring. Other parts of the flag’s components were…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-12-18

the daily purge 4-11-18

The iconic image in the movie, The Lion King, where dad holds Simba up to the sky presenting him as the jungle’s next king pales to The Purging Lutheran’s wooden candle holder holding his baby holders up to the heavens demanding fealty from the universe. He sounds pretty stuck up. Go take your show on…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-11-18

the daily purge 4-10-18

Rehab ‘18 isn’t just for The Purging Lutheran’s and My Sweet Rib’s physical and mental well-being. Our Gatwick hacienda is going under a facelift, too. Pauls is painting the main floor this week. Super prepping and puttering maniac, MSR, has removed items from walls and shelves and tables to clear the way for Pauls’ painting…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-10-18

the daily purge 4-9-18

In motor speedways there are things called ‘weepers’, water which seeps up through the track hampering racing conditions for some types of auto racing. It can rain all day and when finished the dryer trucks come out and, seemingly, dry the track. Then out of nowhere, water will appear on the asphalt as though a…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-9-18

the view from the pew 4-7-18

Saturday evening service, 5:30 with Pastor McClean presiding Our songs tonight were “Lord I Lift Your Name on High”, “My Redeemer Lives”, “More Precious Than Silver”, “As the Deer”, and “Shine Jesus Shine”. All songs skillfully played and sung by Pastor and Paul. Thanks, guys! We confessed our sins. That is we were given an…… Continue reading the view from the pew 4-7-18

the daily purge 4-6-18

Ants are orderly. The Boy Scouts of America are orderly. Medical orderlies are orderly. Synchronized swimmers are orderly. High school hall monitors are orderly. Mathematics are orderly. The U.S. military is orderly. What’s not orderly? Silverware! When spoons, forks and knives get together they behave like cats in a dog pound. The Purging Lutheran has…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-6-18

the daily purge 4-5-18

The Purging Lutheran was preparing for a doctor’s visit just a little bit ago when my hair flopped in my face. I’ve grown my hair out a bit since I got tired of going to Fine Clips and having to answer questions like: ” ‘Janis’, that’s a cool name! Where’s it from?” “What are your…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-5-18

the daily purge 4-4-18

My Sweet Rib worked a few different places in her 40+ years of servitude until her recent retirement. She used 40+ years of her life slogging her way through the business world simply to provide for family and herself just to have 10-20 years of peace time here on Earth. And in that time she…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-4-18

the daily purge 4-3-18

What is “XX”? ===> It can mean ‘20’ in Latin numerology. ===> X_______X (band), a Cleveland no-wave band (what was Cleveland thinking?). ===> XX chromosome – females having two X sex chromosomes are referred to as the homogametic sex. ===> Dos Equis or XX, a brand of Mexican beer. If you’re a Latvian who once got…… Continue reading the daily purge 4-3-18

epilogue: Pilate’s letter to Gaius

(this is a piece of fiction written by an unknown author)   “… “It suddenly closed in on me Gaius, the impact of how trapped I was. The proud arm of Rome with all its boast of justice was to be but a dirty dagger in the pudgy hands of the priest. I was waiting…… Continue reading epilogue: Pilate’s letter to Gaius